Опубликовано: 02 мая 2011 года. Просмотров: 8 981

Премиум портфолио шаблон WordPress от ThemeForest: Striking

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Striking — портфолио шаблон WordPress от Themeforest. Данный шаблон подойдёт для сайтов бизнес или портфолио тематики. Данная тематика очень распространена в WordPress. Шаблон имеет много различных настроек, как цветовых, так и внутренних. Всё управление идёт через админку Вашего движка. Шаблон поддерживает cufon шрифты всего 25 разновидностей. Есть возможность выбора цветовой расцветки сайта и различные виды отображения портфолио.

От создателя:
Striking is an extremely powerful and flexible wordpress theme – actually a “Super Premium” theme as it has extraordinary features and coding that are not found in the normal premium WP theme. It is the theme you buy when you want to create a website in every way you imagined possible. In fact 3800+ Themeforest purchasers tell me it is the most feature laden and customizable theme they have ever used. The top seller on Themeforest in 2010/2011 period, I invite you to view the demo, and features below, to see for yourself why it is the best solution to your web design needs.

The superb flexibility of its framework allows it to be tailored to a Blog, Portfolio, Creative, Business or almost any other kind of website one can imagine. You will not find a more comprehensive admin interface – easy enough for a beginner to grasp immediately (and includes both online and written help documentation) but with every design element of Striking fully controllable so that if you are an experienced designer you can manipulate the design in any manner you see fit.

Fonts, colors, backgrounds, widgets, images, videos, sliders, menus. blogs, portolios, logos and anything else is completely adjustable with the admin. And shortcodes! There are so many shortcodes I have lost count, and they are widget friendly. Furthermore, the Striking admin includes a custom CSS integrator so you don’t need to play around with CSS files – no hardcoding necessary unless you want it that way, and easy CSS style tweaks as a result.

Key Theme Features

Valid HTML 5 AND WordPress 3.1 Compatible
Cross Browser Compatible including IE 9 and FF 4
16! Yes 16! Integrated Admin Panels to control every aspect of Striking you see listed in this feature list. It used to be less but Striking now has so much features and I want you to easily be able to control Striking.
4 Different Sliders! Nivo slider! Anything Slider! 3d flash Image Rotator! Accordion slider! Each has a complete control set. With Striking sliders you can display images, video, text, captions, iframes, and more.
Slideshow shortcode – you can have multiple sliders on a page.
Unlimited Colors – control every font color, background color, menu color, etc. Why bother with “10 in one” and “20 in one” when you have “UNLIMITED in one” with Striking.
Background loader – easy admin interface to load custom backgrounds in the header, feature, page and footer areas.
9 Websafe Fonts 45 Cufon Fonts 45 FontFace Fonts
Well over 100 Shortcodes – many featuring style attributes – via an easy to use Shortcode generator in the admin panel and most can be used anywhere on a page (sidebar, widget, footer, slider, etc)
Video shortcode support, includes Html5 video (.mp4, .webm, .ogg), Flash, Youtube, Vimeo, & Dailymotion. Self Hosted or 3rd party video hosting. Each video shortcode has comprehensive array of style attributes.
12 Custom Striking Widgets – Sub Navigation, Popular Post, Recent Post, Related Post, Flickr, Twitter, Social Icon, Contact Form, Contact Info, Google map, Advertisement 125, Author.
Unlimited Sidebars. Header, Footer and SubFooter Widget Areas!
Contact form included! (Ajax based. Add contact form to any Page, Sidebar or Footer)
Custom logo and Favicon uploader in the admin
Google Analytics & Google Map Integration
2 Custom Menu via WordPress custom menu support feature, and Sub Navigation Widget and WPML menus
Custom CSS integrator in admin – customize any style without hardcoding css templates
WordPress Multisite support.

Other Notable Features

5 page templates & Homepage with 3 diff page layouts – Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar, Full Width, Blog Page w/Sidebar and Sitemap.
Demo Content available.
Page Shortcodes for Slogans, Services, Pricing Boxes, Testimonials, About Us, Contact, FAQ , Sitemap and Error Pages (these codes give you the equivalent of page templates, but you can usually use any page template rather then being restricted to a preset format as is typically offered)
Customizable Page Feature Area on every page – Title, Custom Text, Combo, Slideshow, Disable, Blog Title/Meta, etc. Besides looking great, a secret is that this can benefit your SEO .
2 Blog styles included – full width & Left float Image, w/Lightbox option for image display.
Blog Metadata admin support – no need for WP hooks – they are built in!
Author Box option on Posts.
Related and Popular post modules.
Custom Post Types for portfolio and slider items.
Sortable or Paginated Portfolio. Choose from one to 4 column portfolio styles.
Video Portfolio support.
Lightbox with video support (.swf, youtube, vimeo)
Breadcrumbs Navigation – switchable. Again can benefit your SEO .
Timthumb integration for thumbnail support
Translation Ready – French, Finnish, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Italian, Deutsch, Japanese, Brazilian, Hungarian, Slovenian, Norwegian translations
Import/Export theme options data via admin
javascript & css optimizers switches in admin
PSD files are included and Striking has both written and online help documentation.
and there is much more!

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