Опубликовано: 15 Июн 2011 года. Просмотров: 3 152

Премиум шаблон от ThemeForest: Prototype

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Тема блога и портфолио для WordPress от ThemeForest: Prototype.

Подробная инструкция по установки с картинками.
5 современных цветовых схем включая светлый и тёмный фон.
Уникальное отображение портфолио на главной странице.
Рабочая форма контактной связи.
Встроенный твиттер.

Prototype WP Themes will make many photographers, gallery lovers happy today because we got great WP Themes News for you. Prototype is a modern WordPress portfolio and personal theme, packed with all kinds of styles and features. Check out the demo and see what you think because this is not same as many other WordPress Themes and you will love it.

Installation Screencast
Intuitive WP Theme Options
5 Modern Color Schemes on Light/Dark Backgrounds
Valid XHTML Code – 1.0 Transitional and Strict
Custom @font-face Font – Bebas
Unique Homepage Portfolio Display
jQuery Lightbox
Unique Portfolio Layouts
Various CSS3 Stylings (Degrades Perfectly)
jQuery Drop Down Menu
Functional Email Form
Twitter Implementation
Blog Functionality
Portfolio Functionality
Well Documented.

Prototype WP Themes has many color options for your business needs so just go ahead and try nice demo, dont forget register today and get all the free themes, psd, xhtml and xml flash files with many other tools for your business because you will love it.

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Количество скачиваний: 578

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