Опубликовано: 22 Апр 2011 года. Просмотров: 3 753

Премиум шаблон WordPress от PageLines: EcoPro

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EcoPro — лёгкая ненагруженная тема оформления WordPress, с чистым и светлым дизайном.

EcoPro премиум шаблон для WordPress от PageLines. Отличная тема для wordpress. Тема содержит 4 дополнительных цвета: красный, чёрный, оранжевый и синий. Простая тема для бизнес сайта. Тема очень простая, поэтому в установке и настройке займёт минимально времени. Также тема имеет 4 расцветки, которые Вы можете глянуть на демонстрации, ссылка выше. Повторюсь, что тема простейшая и не совсем новая. Плюс шаблона в том, что есть возможность вставлять видео на сайте.

В теме реализованы удобная Drop Down навигация, большой слайдер материалов и изображений, а так-же возможность выбора одного из пяти второстепенных стилей оформления.

EcoPro полностью настраивается при помощи удобной страницы управления темой.

EcoPro is a full-width CMS WordPress theme with tons of options and templates. And when you buy, we donate 10% to help the environment! This theme has twenty options to meet your needs. It supports widgets, tons of plugins and custom CSS. This theme also has five color scheme options so you can pick the one that meets your needs.

EcoPro is one of the WordPress themes that functions as a content management system (CMS). There are multiple ways that you can customize this theme to suit your needs. There are also many different templates that you can use to alter the look of the site significantly. WordPress, while it is usually used as a blogging tool, is also very effective as a content management system and this theme is designed to bring both of those functions together.

EcoPro comes with a very professional layout. A bold header, featured content and standard articles are all placed very well on the front page. The theme offers very readable text that should make visitors at ease when they consume your content. The theme also offers multiple color schemes.

As a CMS system, EcoPro could be used for most anything. It is powerful enough to function as a CMS for a site that has multiple daily updates. It can also make the process of administering a blog site much easier and, in that regard, can provide a very simple but useful convenience function. The site has a layout that would be suitable for selling products or for featuring news and other stories. The changeable color schemes make it easy to customize the look of your site to fit with your content.

The EcoPro theme is set up for search engine optimization efforts from the start. This ensures that your site won’t be left out when the search engines index new destinations on the web. With the intelligent layout of EcoPro, your visitors shouldn’t have any trouble getting to exactly the content they want.

The EcoPro theme is supported by PageLines, which means that you’ll have somewhere to turn if you run into any problems. Most of the site’s features are easy enough to use, however, that you shouldn’t have to rely on technical support to any significant degree. The site is complex enough for pros, but those who aren’t technical wizards shouldn’t have any trouble getting it set up exactly as desired.

The EcoPro theme is a paid theme, but 10% of the cost is donated to environmental causes by PageLines. For those who like to mix their Internet activities with awareness of the environment, this makes this theme a natural choice. There is also an option to subscribe for discounts on other themes and products from PageLines.

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