Опубликовано: 20 Июл 2011 года. Просмотров: 3 492

Премиум тема WordPress от ProThemeDesign: Mimbo Pro

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Гладкая тема журнального стиля для WordPress. Включает карусель изображений, пользовательские параметры панели управления и многое другое. Версия мультилицензии включает файлы Photoshop и дополнительные скины.

Mimbo Pro — тема оформления WordPress, для новостного сайта, выполненная в классическом журнальном стиле.


Многоуровневое dropdown меню
3 цветовых стиля оформления
Шаблоны страницы для формы контакта, архивов, sitemap, галерей изображения и др.
карусель Изображения с настройкой скорости вращения
3 области для расположения виджетов
Поддержка объявлений 125×125
Поддержка gravatars
Полная локализация и поддержка перевода
Встроенная форма контакта с CAPTCHA, чтобы устранить спам

От автора:
A slick magazine-style theme for WordPress. Includes an image carousel, custom control panel options and more. Developers version includes Photoshop files and additional skins.

Control Panel Options

Built-in controls for changing masthead graphics, featured categories, carousel content, Google Analytics and more.

Easy Translation

Since its release, Mimbo Pro has been translated into 15 international languages and counting.

Custom Templates

Included with the theme are templates for Archives, Contact form with CAPTCHA, image gallery and a sitemap.

Mimbo Pro is the theme that popularised magazine themes, making them more original, and better designed. With awesome SEO and blazing speed Mimbo Pro is a theme that anyone can get up and running in minutes.

With a design by reknowned designer, Darren Hoyt, Mimbo Pro brings amazing design to a wide audience. By far the most popular design here at Pro Theme Design, Mimbo Pro includes a complete theme administration panel, to allow you to customise many elements of the design, without touching a line of code.

Mimbo Pro is the theme that introduced TimThumb to the world. TimThumb is an image resizing script that makes it super easy to add thumbnails to your blog posts, without having to create many variations of each image. Saving you time, and making your website look more and more professional.

Feature Set

Animated multi-level dropdown menus
Custom page templates for contact form, archives, sitemaps, image galleries and more
Image carousel with variable speed
Custom control panel options to control navigation, category excerpts, Google Analytics and more
Three widgetized regions for flexibility. Custom widgets include Popular Posts, Upcoming Posts and Post Author Details.
Print-friendly options
125×125 ad support
Custom logo and masthead image management
Image thumbnail resizing
Support for gravatars, author comment highlighting, threaded comments and paged comments
Full localization and translation support
Built-in contact form with CAPTCHA to eliminate spam
Breadcrumb navigation

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Количество скачиваний: 711

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