Опубликовано: 13 Окт 2011 года. Просмотров: 3 525

Премиум тема WordPress от ThemeForest: Expo

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Тема Expo от ThemeForest подойдет для сайта витрины, обзора продукции, фотографии и т.д. Эта тема подойдет для сайта на котором делаются обзоры других сайтов.

От автора:

EXPO is a highly customizable WordPress Showcase and Resource Theme, integrated with rich feature and enhanced administrative options.
You can use this theme to promote good products (themes, web, design) at your website and earn referrals money :).
Other possible use is a simple showcase website with products reviews, photos, etc.
Since this theme is widget base theme, you can easy manage the layout of your site using wordpess widget manager
Theme Features

This theme comes has 5 awesome colors ready for you to choose. There are :
3 Style Templates Large Images, Thumnbnail, Blog) for you to choose. You can use The template for Showcase or blog (unlimited)
You can switch between 2 or 3 Coloumns using custom theme options. And on 3 coloums mode, you also have option to remove the mainbar (the center column ) to get full page
The theme comes with 6 new custom widgets (see screenshoot 6). Rearrange the widgets to get best layout for you. The widgets are Expo Post, Expo comment, Expo Posts By category and Tag, Expo Most Visited Posts, Expo Top Rated Posts, Expo Banner (Ad Management)
These widget can be used in 9+ different widget areas. Why 9+? because you can add new widget area by using page options (without limitation).
Integrated Star rating, submit site, follow and social share
Badges! – yeah an easy badge feature since it only using particular tag (use theme option to manage badges, see screenshot 5)
Use Frame for visiting the source URL . You can easily enable or disable this feature using theme opsions.
Easy Thumbnailer – Just attach image to the post by using wordpress default media uploader, No Hard Code Needed
JQUERY drop down menu. The menus are page + category that you can easily manage using page option. (see scdreenshoot 7)
Many Back End Options
Highly customizable theme and well commented

Easy Customization

Full CSS
PSD included GROUPED and LAYERED with Guidelines for easy customization
Easy creating multiple galleries without hardcode needed
Easy resizing the dimension of images in the gallery without hardcode needed

Compatibilty and Guide

Tested on all major browser: Firefox , Opera, Chrome, Safari, IE8 , IE7, IE6
WordPress 2.8, 2.9 Compatible Theme
Valid CSS and XHTML 1 .0
Commented code for easy customization
Getting Started Step By Step Help file included to ensure you get a working website easily

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Количество скачиваний: 558

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Категории: 2 колонки | 3 колонки | Sidebar справа | ThemeForest | Белые | Блог | Голубые | Дизайн/графика | Интернет/IT | Коричневые | Новостные шаблоны | Портфолио | Светлые | Тёмные | Фиолетовый | Черные
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