Опубликовано: 16 Июн 2011 года. Просмотров: 4 575

Универсальная тема WordPress от YOOtheme: Nano

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Nano — функциональная тема оформления для WordPress, которая базируется на новой структуре от YOOtheme — Warp6. Nano хорошо оптимизированна, имеет 5 различных стилей оформления и полностью настраивается через удобный пульт управления в админке WordPress.

Совместимость: WordPress 3.0+

Официальное описание:

Nano is the first theme that’s build with Warp6, our fast and slick theme framework! It takes full advantage of all the latest Warp6 features like semantic HTML5 markup, a mobile theme, a nice and clean administration UI and much more. You won’t find any bloated code or features that will slow your site. It’s created from a developers perspective — simplified, no magic, just a great toolset to develop cross-platform themes.

Nano is an optimized and streamlined framework theme and serves as a blueprint to build your own custom themes. It offers 5 different theme styles to get you started right away. Each style has a slightly different motif and inherits its structure and layout from a default base theme. Those styles themselves will function as a starting point for you to design your own customizations, modifications and enhancements. That’s simply done through inheritance. It has never been easier to have smaller variations of your theme for presentation purposes.

Available for Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and WordPress
5 style variations available
Choose from 5 colors and 8 fonts
1 module style combinable with 4 badges and 6 icons
Flexible template and column widths
All Warp framework features are available

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Количество скачиваний: 887

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