Опубликовано: 05 Мар 2012 года. Просмотров: 3 018

Премиум новостная WordPress тема от ThemeForest: Our Magazine

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Мощная тема WordPress специально для онлайн журнал, сообщества, сети или любого сайта с богатым содержанием.

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Our Magazine comes with 2 color variations, a slider for headline news, auto image resizing, advance theme option. It also provide a highly demand user link feed to allow your reader to submit news, example http://psd.tutsplus.com/ and http://kailoon.com.

Our Magazine provides unique page templates for archives, full page (no sidebar) and normal page. You also can display your feed count in text. It required php5, simplexmlelement and curl enable (for the feed count).

If you are looking for a community/magazine which is powerful, easy to navigate, modern and flexible. This will fit your requirements. Check out the live demo for more details.

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Количество скачиваний: 531

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Категории: 2 колонки | Sidebar справа | ThemeForest | Блог | Коричневые | Новостные шаблоны
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