Опубликовано: 28 Фев 2012 года. Просмотров: 3 054

Премиум шаблон WordPress от ThemeForest: Sofa Stockphoto

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Как утверждает команда ThemeForest эта тема была создана не для одной цели. Она была разработана для того, чтобы помочь пользователям продавать любые электронные продукты: логотипы, сайты, темы, полезный код, аудио файлы, изображения, фоны…

Эта тема — это ваш собственный рынок по продаже всего чего угодно.

Встроенная депозитная система и PayPal

Тема WordPress сделана для того, чтобы позволить пользователям продавать любой вид нематериальных (цифровых) товаров.

От авторов:

SOFA Stockphoto theme is definitely not made for one purpose only – as you can read in title. It has been made to enable users to sell any type of intangible (digital) goods. Stockphoto sale is only one practical example of its usage. Just imagine what else you could sell…logos, website templates, WordPress themes, illustrations, code, audio files, applications, images, fonts, 3D models, etc., etc. Possibilities are endless!
This theme is your own, private marketplace! It has built-in Deposit system and works with any PayPal business account. Deposit system enable users to purchase certain amount of credits which can be used on your site to buy digital goods.
My goal was to develop a theme which will help people make some extra dough. I bet many photographers, designers or programmers will benefit from selling their work which was rejected by client and buried somewhere on hard drive!

Features summary

Built-in fully functional Deposit System
Built-in PayPal with transaction validation
Custom Login-Register-Password Recovery panel
Dual tech images slider; easy switch between Flash and jQuery from theme Options page
Manage images slider photos straight from Admin panel
Ready-made Contact form
Extensible via Pluggers system
Fully translatable from theme Options
Multi-level drop-down navigation
Completely managable thru theme Options
+ many, many more

For the purpose of better look and feel there are 3 user accounts created. You can test how the purchase works, all accounts have pre-set deposits. I will try to ‘clean up’ them from time to time so other people can test it too. No matter what, feel free to register and see how it works.

NOTE : This theme doesn’t run in TEST mode. You can deposit some money for real. However, each and every item you purchase for download is not an actual representation of image next to it. In order to reduce bandwidth I had to ZIP up dummy text files which are only few kiloBytes heavy. Actual images are taken from Flickr (free for distribution).

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Количество скачиваний: 624

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