Опубликовано: 01 Июл 2011 года. Просмотров: 4 049

Премиум тема для WordPress от iThemes: Viz Biz

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Viz Biz — профессиональная тема оформления для фото-портфолио на WordPress.

Viz Biz is a premium WordPress photo gallery and portfolio theme designed specifically for photographers, graphic designers and web designers who want to display their creative work online, market their services, as well as have a typical text blog, using the power and flexibility of WordPress.


Premium quality portfolio template
Custom logo uploader to replace the standard graphic with your own unique look from the WP Dashboard
Integrated blog component (front images are custom fields and thumbnails, but you can also have a typical blog)
Four tabbed feature areas (About Me, Services, Recent Posts, and Tags)
Two home page feature photos (You choose which photos to feature using a WP category)
Manage your online portfolio through the WordPress CMS – Crop two sizes of your work: One for the front page thumbnails and another full size version and upload to WP
Search engine optimized
NEW! Automatic Image Resizing – A built-in script automatically resizes your images for the thumbnail and feature images
Integrated blog – You can also have blog and put your thoughts and ideas online
4 Feature Boxes – Put your services and contact info in these areas
Graphical header – Use the built-in option to upload your own graphic from within WordPress
Manage your online portfolio through the WordPress CMS – Crop two sizes of your work: One for the front page thumbnails and another full size version and upload to WP
Give prospective clients an easy way to contact you

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Количество скачиваний: 728

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Категории: 1 колонка | iThemes | Sidebar снизу | Портфолио | Серые | Тёмные | Фото | Черные
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