Опубликовано: 12 Апр 2011 года. Просмотров: 6 077

WordPress тема от ThemeForest: OpenHouse Realestate

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Премиум тема недвижимости для WordPress от ThemeForest.

Не думайте что это ещё одна такая же простая и дешёвая тема для агентств недвижимости. Эта тему собирались продавать по достаточно высокой цене, но решили всё-таки уменьшить до стандартной и доступной. Т.к. дизайн новой темы очень сильно напоминал дизайн шаблона OpenHouse их решили объединить и продавать вместе почти под одним названием. Тему можно использовать в двух направлениях: как для агентств недвижимости так и для автосалонов.

About Openhouse Real Estate Theme (template)
Note: This theme comes bundled with a alternate version that uses the dsIDXpress plugin. See demo site.
Openhouse (currently the highest rated WordPress Real Estate theme (realestate) with 5 stars average on TF) is a very powerful and flexible Real Estate theme. It includes a very powerful and flexible Search, where you can search by location, number of baths, beds, max price, min price, and property type. The Location search alone is unique in that you can have multiple levels of locations. Check out the demo for an example. This theme also includes an extremely powerful Loan calculator which can be shown or hidden in Theme Options. The color scheme choice is unlimited. Simply supply a color, and the whole site changes, including all gradients and effects.
It also includes a very powerful and useful Real Estate Loan Calculator. It even has a link to generate a complete amortization table which you can print out.
Other than property listing-type posts, this theme supports any other type of posts. You can have both a regular Blog, AND a news Blog. Each one can have unlimited subcategories.
Your blog and page content can visually be taken to the next level using our custom Shortcode tags. For example, easily add multi-column text, toggle boxes, drop caps, button links, and more quickly and easily.
The theme comes bundled with an alternate version that works directly with the dsIDXpress plugin. So now your site can pull in unlimited listings automatically. However, items in the slideshow must be posted manually.

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Количество скачиваний: 1053

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